Personal Data Inventory Form Please fill out the information below. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Name *FirstLast2. Email *3. Phone Number4. Address, City, State, Zip5. Occupation6. Employer7. GenderMaleFemale8. Birthdate, Age9. Referred here by:10. Have you ever received counseling at Hope Biblical Counseling Center?11. Rate your health:Very GoodGoodAverageDecliningOther12. Have you ever used drugs other than for medical purposes?YesNoIf yes, please explain why.13. Have you ever been arrested?YesNoIf yes, please explain why.14. Have you recently suffered the loss of someone who was close to you?YesNoIf so, when? Please explain:15. Do you have problems sleeping?16. Education (last grade or degree completed):17. Other training (list type and years, including degrees):18. Spouse's NameFirstLast19. Spouse's Occupation20. Spouse's Phone Number21. Spouse's Age22. Spouse's Education (last grade or degree completed)23. Date of Marriage. You and your spouse's age of marriage.24. Would your spouse be willing to come for counseling? YesNoUncertain25. Religious background of spouse:26. Have you ever been separated?YesNoIf so, when?27. Have you ever filed for divorce?YesNoIf so, when?28. Give brief information about any previous marriages:29. Do you have any children?Name, Age, Gender, from a previous marriage?30. How many siblings do you have and which number are you?31. What is your parents' marital status?32. What church are you a member of? Are you currently attending?33. How long have you been attending? How often?34. What church did you attend as a child?35. Do you consider yourself a religious person?YesNoUncertain36. Do you believe in God?YesNoUncertain37. Do you believe Satan exists?YesNoUncertain38. Have you ever "dabbed" with the "Occult" (seances, devil worship, witcraft, etc.)?YesNo39. Do you pray to God?YesNoNeverOccasionallyOften40. Would you say that you are a Christian?YesNoOr would you say that you are still in the process of becoming a Christian?41. How often do you read the Bible?NeverOccasionallyOften42. Do you have a regular time of devotions? YesNoI'm not sure what that means43. Explain recent changes in your religious life, if any?44. What was your religious experience as a child? What was your home environment like in regards to Christianity, the Bible, and the Church?45. Who have you spoken to about this issue and what has happened as a result?Submit